Mathematics dominates the sciences.

The work of a few keen mathematicians has radically transformed science and technology. We believe humanity stands to gain most from the serious training of new mathematical scientists.
Exceed the traditional mathematics degree program.
The four-year university mathematics program is, on its own, insufficient for complete development. Instead of taking your chance with randomly-assigned instructors, we will help you learn to absorb the original writings of great mathematicians and conduct your own research.
Gain the principal advantage in your field.
Whether you are a student in STEM, an industry professional, or an academic researcher, the knowledge we emphasize will elevate your capabilities to new, otherwise unreachable heights. We seek to curate pure-mathematical resources that have been historically demonstrated to have real-world ramifications; “mathematical beauty” is misunderstood and should be thought of as the conceptual simplicity and utility of its explanations.
Meet others who share a mathematical mindset.
We continually search for like-minded scholars who we can learn from and to whose development we can contribute. Our principal goal is to convert as much of the world’s cognition into high-quality mathematical thinking as possible. As such, we believe in open, frequent discussion of technical topics and aim to provide honest feedback to others on how they can improve their skills.